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Resolution #5 Go for More Walks!

Posted on January 15, 2015 at 12:00 AM by Wendy Muench

This was supposed to be a resolution about fitness and going for more walks, but in my case, going for a walk without a dog is like eating an ice cream cone in the winter.  I cannot snuggle up to an exercise bike on a cold winter night, wake up without a cold nose pressed into my face, or enjoy my new kitchen table without my faithful friend waiting for a handout.

Getting a dog may be a strange New Year's Resolution, but for me it is a priority.  My favorite 12 year old companion passed away in 2014 and I vowed to wait until I retired to get another dog. But after much consideration I realize that I have not been dog-less for over 30 years.  I miss the companionship and acceptance that only a dog can provide. I have had many canine companions over the years. At my last home, the local animal shelter would call me if someone was missing a dog because they would always seem to end up at my house. At one point I had five, all either strays or misfits.

Jack was my last companion; having outlived my children's escape to college and their own lives. He would wake me in the morning, guard my house at night and take me for walks down the gravel road near my house. He was an outside dog for most of his life; a farm dog gone astray. I tried to return him to his rightful owner many times, only to have him return to my doorstep the next day.  He would also follow my grandson on any adventure he might embark on.  He followed me through a divorce and new home and neighbors who did not appreciate his roaming.  His unconditional respect and love are irreplaceable. So, my New Year's Resolution is to get a dog because a home is not a home without a dog.

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