Horse Thieves - Black

Horse Thieves - Black
SKU: 0015BLK
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Average 5 stars out of 5 rating

The Horse Thieves Black Rug by American Dakota tells the story of two young braves returning from a mission. The two central figures in the design, and the inlaid arrows along the edges tell the story in images. This striking area rug will make a bold statement in any room of your home. MADE in the USA!

Commercial Grade tested for high traffic use. EnduraStran construction means durable construction, antimicrobial, fade resistant and surged edges for added strength.

Size:   Approx. Dim.
3' x 4    2’8”x3’10”   
4' x5' 3’10”x5’4”
2' x 8'    2’1”x7’8” 
5' x 8'  5’4”x7’8” 
6' Round 5'4" Across
8' x 11'  7’8”x10’9”
8' Round / Square  7’7” Across
11' x 13' 13'2" x 10'9
11' Octagon 11'2" Across


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Cleans easily with warm water.  No need for harmful chemicals. Will last for years and years.

2-3 weeks

5 stars out of 5 rating
Love this rug, quality, colors, design..was a great choice for my space.

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